Bản mẫu:PBB Controls
Tài liệu bản mẫu
Sử dụng
This template has no usage beyond giving commands to Protein Box Bot. It displays no information, though that could possibly change in the future to add a small icon indicating whether or not the protein page is monitored by PBB.
{{PBB_Controls | update_page = <yes/no> | require_manual_inspection = <yes/no> | update_protein_box = <yes/no> | update_summary = <yes/no> | update_citations = <yes/no> }}
Parameter explanations
- This field indicates whether or not User:ProteinBoxBot should update the protein page this control in located in. A value of "Yes" (not caps-sensitive) indicates that this page should be updated. Any other value indicates that this page will not be automatically updated. This value supersedes all other update values on the page when not equal to "yes". Effectively updates are turned off for this page no matter what other update values on the page may indicate. When the value is left as "yes", then it is still possible to stop updates of other sections by setting their values to "no". The default for this value is "yes".
- Even if it is desirable to have Protein Box Bot update the page, a user may feel more comfortable requiring a human operator to look over the changes before those changes are made to the page during an update. Setting this field to a value other than "no" (not caps-sensitive) indicates that protein box bot should require a human operator to approve the potential update to this page. A value of "no" indicates that the bot may continue updating the protein page without seeking human operator approval.
- If this value is set to "yes", then the Protein Box on this page will be automatically updated by the bot. Any other value indicates that any protein boxes will not be updated.
- If this value is set to "yes", then the Protein Summary on this page will be automatically updated by the bot. Any other value indicates that any summaries will not be updated.
- If this value is set to "yes", then the bot controlled Citations on this page will be automatically updated by the bot. Any other value indicates that any citation templates will not be updated.
Xem thêm
Template:GNF_Protein_box, Template:PBB_Further_reading, Template:PBB_Summary.